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Me and spar have done it before. I can't remember if it was really good.....or really bad.
It was both. But surprisingly, some of them worked all too well.
Master Yi was pretty good against immobile ADCs,
Yasuo was a work in progress,
Jax could've worked better,
LeBlanc is really good at shutting lanes down,
Lulu is like LeBlanc if she was gonna be somewhat viable,
Tryndamere we never played but I've thought about,
Ahri I never played with you but it worked if you land charm,
Zed wasn't easy surprisingly enough,
Kassadin is disgusting against AP "supports",
Xin Zhao is unapproachable,
Pantheon is similar with more reliable CC but falls off pretty hard,
Azir is a mistake,
Thresh is like Lulu but is penta god,
Gangplank I can't play,
Warwick doesn't count does he?
Mordekaiser is meta but I have no idea what was happening and I was killing people
Quinn bullies ADCs as hard as top laners,
Kayle has no counterplay, and
Annie is a bad LeBlanc that can teamfight slightly better in some situations.
With exception to Master Yi, Xin Zhao, Yasuo, and Thresh, none of these we played together for too long so everything I just said means nothing especially with the new season. Actually not even Yasuo. I mostly played him without Rawrrrh because I didn't want to embarass myself to another Yasuo main.