View Poll Results: Should jcmert be kicked from Demonic?
Yes, he should be kicked
15 Votes / 71.43%
No, he should stay
6 Votes / 28.57%
Voters: 21. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by box View Post
While I'm posting, I'm going to Rickroll you guys, just because I like the song. :v

Rickroll me all you want, Box. I love that song, as well.
Originally Posted by Saint View Post
So sup guys, how it's going?

Ohai, Saint. If you'll look back a couple pages, you'll see that we had an application. I told him to wait for you and he said okay.
Originally Posted by Saint View Post
So sup guys, how it's going?

good.we need to talk though.ill P'M you
Inactive Due to RL Issues.
But I still love [l]. I also love you.
Well, I tough I could connect sometimes, but as it appears, a waps nest was in the back yard, and took a hell of alot of time to kill them all. Not enough you think? My cat tried fighting a skunk, and got pissed on, so I am currently beside a smelly beast, so sorry for my grave inactivity.

Liquide isnt here right now, he is at a friends house, and should be back later. So, I need to go to a hockey tournament,

see ya
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im never been to a hockey game and i hate watching sports >.< tho i like playing them
Lol I know Your jelly yeah........