Hey guys, I'm running in to town for a few hours but when I get back, 3-4 hours from now, I'm going to be starting DM training, basically what I will do is make /jo origin and set it to abd, I will then change the settings to no fracs. The point of the training is that we are going to try to get a dm on the opponent as fast as possible, the most usual way is snap kicks but I want us to try other methods, I'm going to be focusing more on no grab dms so that i don't limit my movement. Anyways, if we practice this enough it might give us a rather good edge in some upcoming wars.
Hey guys, I'm running in to town for a few hours but when I get back, 3-4 hours from now, I'm going to be starting DM training, basically what I will do is make /jo origin and set it to abd, I will then change the settings to no fracs. The point of the training is that we are going to try to get a dm on the opponent as fast as possible, the most usual way is snap kicks but I want us to try other methods, I'm going to be focusing more on no grab dms so that i don't limit my movement. Anyways, if we practice this enough it might give us a rather good edge in some upcoming wars.