I don't think they have the right to report me. They did, but they should've reported Ashe instead of me. I asked their permission to go Ap Nasus/Quasus in champion select and nobody responded, not my fault :L
Damn, your nasus build sucks.
Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
m8, this wasn't normal stack until you get to one shot the adc nasus, it was lane pressure nasus, which was basically build Spirit Fire/E first and pressure top lane to attract enemy jungler. Search "Quasus/Lane Pressure Nasus"
i think you're supposed to go redemption or something instead of thornmail. But they were all ad so i understand. What I don't understand is Righteous Glory over a sheen item if you're gonna go splitpush nasus.
Its bronze, junglers do not know how or when to gank. You should have had just stacked and farmed under tower :^) Did you see how I camped the yasuo when you were riven? I know that Yasuo is strong in lane so I camped you :^)
Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]