Originally Posted by
I've recently started playing again.
I have noticed that Syndra and Annie appear to be very... broken champs.
Twitch seems to be a very good ADC too.
If you're talking about Syndra as of right now, I believe she received considerable nerfs to stop her "0/7 but click R and kill a carry". She used to be much much stronger, not even a few patches ago. Annie is just annie. Nuke with tibbers etc etc. Twitch is in the Vayne category IMO. Shit until you can blow up whoever you want. Generally playing Utility ADCs is the meta right now. Playing Varus, Ashe, Jhin, or Caitlyn seems like the general consensus. That, or playing Ziggs bot.
Originally Posted by
Is it me or GP is super cancer broken right now ?
I just can't stop to tag against some GP One trick wannabe that watched some Tobias Fate and try to do the same shit lol
GP is not as strong as he was when he was 100% ban, but he still has an incredibly strong late game with a decent power spike after Tri-Force. Any GP with the mechanic skill to Two Part, Three Part, etc will dominate given they aren't a monkey. The armor pen from barrels along with the pen in standard builds chunks when GP gets started up. The cleanse on oranges are also incredibly good for survivability. I think GP is like Azir in terms of how broken he is. The more games you play. the higher your win rate.
Anyways, how is everyone's ranked experience going? :^) I'm slowly getting out of this shithole of bronze. Not as hard as I originally thought. Sort of painful getting blown up by Poppy or Assassins but that's okay.