uh.... :| since everyone else is doing this now XD
1. I need a cool picture to post
2.Im also16
3. I also like to draw "graffiti"
4. foooootballllllllll (american, not soccer)
4. I'm a hardcore call of duty nerd/fan/player
5. I loves my sexy waves (in my hair)
6. You probably didnt notice i used 4 twice
7. You just checked
8. My cat ish smexier than pow's as her name is Majik (like magic except misspelled on purpose)
P.S.- I forgot to brag about the fact that I can do parkour in real life which means i can do random backflips and wallruns and stuffs
Last edited by fett175; Aug 26, 2011 at 12:03 AM.
Reason: 'P.S'