You'll either wait till I'm online and let me know to come see you, by pm/ by telling skullo/vamees etc. if you meet them, to ask me politely on msn, to test your ass, to the very limits *unzips*, [cough] test your skills in wushu. And come on, don't make so much long posts that I've got my "omfg wall of text alert" alarm lights turned on.
If I see that opener once again, I'll puke. And I'll puke you out of my server too. It's pathetic.
Also harlequin is copycat?! o:
+ take great notice of what vamees says. His posts are totally Sahee approved.
Also not double-posting will prevent me from sighing out loud at you, and pointing at vamees when he mentions edit button.
Not impressed. Opener - stinks. It's this kind of openers appearing with the game style that expects your opponent to shatter on your pose/opener - but that can't even frac uke. It's not really manoeuvrable/original/fluid/doesn't look natural/leads to frustration rather than good games/it's totally borring and I'll shot a RAllian that uses it.
With my Handgun .75 and then I'll shoot some more.
+... it's copycatted. So make decent smaller post, with stylish replays, don't copycat or overuse lame opener or I'll go emo and cry you a river.
And then someone - maybe even vamees or jojo - will shoot at you till you repel your sins.
Please, get better. *kiss* cya for now... until you do (get better).
Last edited by Sahee; Jun 19, 2008 at 07:00 PM.