Yeah 'Radiant story' look like a huge overhaul from the overrated Radiant AI (the ai system in oblivion). Supposedly creating new quests (completely original quests) every time you play the game, thereby extending the longevity of the game, I just hope it isn't a massive flop like the AI system in oblivion turned out to be.. only other slight issue with the game is the number of NPC's. Im just hoping theres more than 2 or 3 people walking around town like oblivion. That was a big dissapointment. Every city was a ghost town with the few, NPC's randomly roaming around and standing still for minutes on end apparently waiting for nothing.
•In the latest video, Todd Howard mentions someone is working on a Creation Kit for the game.
This is kinda a 'given' in the TES series, without the ability to MOD the game, it wouldnt be Bethesda.
As for the animation improvements mentioned, They just took the IK (inverse kinematics) system from fallout 3 and incorporate it into skyrim. meaning your feet actually touch the floor moveing to suite the angle of the surfaces.
My Only worry is, the strict release date, seems like it could potentially hinder development, I'd rather have a game that works well and is 6 months late, than a game which is release on time, but very buggy and with large aspects removed (Most of the radiant AI on oblivion was turned down to such a degree that it was essentially turned off)
Although there are many people 'singing praise' of oblivion, I am however under the opinion that it was essentialy a sloppy Morrowind mod, with aspects added (physics, rendering effects, LOD landscapes, speedtree, ect) Despite the obvious attention they put into some parts of oblivion (the city's and dungeons), I feel it was lacking, and more of a test of this generation of console/pc. With 90% of the outdoor map generated during play and reset after 3 'in game' days, which is why, imo, oblivion looked very 'samey' everywhere on the map.... I Hope however my fears will be set to rest.
(dont get me wrong I am a HUGE fan of TES series, but oblivion was so buggy on release, they're taking steps in the wrong direction.
PS: I hope all you oblivion fans have checked out MERP (middle earth role playing) a total 'lord of the rings' conversion mod, boasting a map 7 times the size of cyrodiil, with all new races creatures, well...... everything i think the only thing they kept was the wolves LOL, but be that as it may. its a HUGE mod (pc only) and is free for beta download (although it IS early in dev) should give you all something to do till 11;11;11
Last edited by EliteExile; Aug 31, 2011 at 01:53 PM.