I would normally share chicken's apprehensions about the chess community. However I think the nature of the battle variant makes those worries negligible. A computer might even lead you down unfavorable lines. The ability for any piece to pound through normal defences and take the king, that really throws normal chess for a loop. I'd be happy to represent the clan as chessmaster and/or battle piece. Or if anyone would like to duel me for the honor of representing the clan as chessmaster, we can duke it out at chess.com. (my name there is Bisque) I understand this is still in the formulation stage but I've got some questions.
1. Prizes? entry fee?
2. How long do chessmasters have to make moves?
3. I'm curious about the nature of the battles. Are battles to be fought at a specified time, or just reported in?
If you come upon any chess related questions during the event, I'd be happy to help out. I was captain (high nerd) of my chess team in high school and college.