Originally Posted by
May you obviously weren't included in that "most". =__=
Lolwut? We need more periods. Not like mega death periods but these things --> .................. maii children. :l
Like, totally obvious, rite?
Anywayz, /jo May
Also, I didn't get the "maii children" part.
Originally Posted by Trixiac
<Too lazy to type all of that>
Well, you can aswell do this by private messaging eachother, not by posting it here,
as to it might cause clan council members to change their opinion depending on your/or any other posts based on being rude like the one you wrote.
This will not affect you,
but it's gonna have a negative impact on our clan.
Please, refrain from posting such things and think twice before you do something like that again.
Anyhow, continue this in pm or an irc chat, not here.