Belt (4th dan minimum), 6th Dan Black Belt
Country/GMT,United States/-6 GMT
How long have you been playing TB? (1 year minimum), 3 years+
Forum Activity (From 1-10), 7/10
In-Game Activity (From 1-10), 9/10
Previous Clans,Infeno, iCoF,
Why did you leave/get kicked?, Got bored of Toribash for a bit back in 2011 or 2012
Special Skills?:, Sparring, Judo,
Any infractions/bans? No
Well I started playing toribash as a young kid at 7 or 8 years old, I found it in a youtube video or something, I had been going to school in texas, When I was about 7, my family moved to my aunt's house (me, my dad, and my mom) in Missouri, I had then start going to school there, I made alot of friends, one month kind of sucked and I got sick about 5 times. I don't really have anything special about my life. I still go to the same school, except a different building. Nothing really special about my life, and oh yeah, one of my uncles died a few weeks ago. Not much. Would Be greatly appreciated if I was accepted in to this clan. The end.
Last edited by meowme; Aug 18, 2013 at 12:36 AM.
Reason: Noticed That you said freeform app