Originally Posted by VergeDG View Post
Hello. I'm VergeDG, but everyone calls me Verge for short. I am 13 years old and I live in a beautiful place called Canada. In-game, I'd say i'm active 3-4 days in a week, but I'll try and be active in-game as I can (I have one week of spring break left till school). Forum-wise, I am always looking through threads and replies, posting if I need to. I will be sure to attend events/wars when I'm active in-game. I don't play any other online games except TB, but if I'm really bored, I go on Roblox. I chose to apply for Black Pentagram because the last clan I was in (Whisp3r) wasn't very active and I want to be in a clan where I can get involved with people more and to improve in skill as well.

Other info: GMT -7

Accepted as trial
Sorry, didn't see this reply before and got invited to another clan. Sorry to waste your time.
Lamborghini, Lamborghini, give me the Knowledge-ini
My name is Qezz, my real name is Zaki Dani. I'm from Indonesia. I was inactive for 3 years ago. my main is Bluesers. I was very active ingame. I opened the forum when i opened the game.My favorite mods are Mushu,ABD,and Judo. other games beside toribash that i played are PointBlank,LostSaga,Celestia Luna Online, and many others. I'll do my best to make "Black Pentagram" be #1

Last edited by Qezz; Apr 3, 2016 at 01:59 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
The app wasn't that good, to be honest. But you managed to impress me ingame and you seem to be a nice guy, accepted as trial.
my name doesn't mean anything, so you can call me ethan if you want
i'm 15 at the moment, turning 16 in august. and i'm from the united states

i'm pretty forum and ingame active, because i haven't found anything better to do with my time. i'll probably do whatever you guys are doing if you want me to join in, i don't really mind.
Attached Files
trying to find a balance.rpl (381.1 KB, 8 views)
history.rpl (231.2 KB, 6 views)
I'm pretty sure I've seen the first one already. I would not accept you, because I don't even know your main.
Hi, im Instep, im 17 years old from Indonesia, im on tb almost every day, but on forums im not on as much as I am ingame, only 4 or 5 days a week im on the forums. I will attend every event as long as I am able too, same with clan wars, I play other games like TF2 on my spare time, but not as much as I play tb. I want to join this clan because everyone in this clan seems really nice, and I hope to learn new skills from the members, i'll just post some of my replays, sorry if its not very good
Attached Files
Instep - M - No Mercy v2.rpl (423.3 KB, 4 views)
Instep - M - Diosphilisod.rpl (232.9 KB, 3 views)
Instep - M - Jokes On You!.rpl (298.9 KB, 2 views)
I am on both for a good amount of time each day, if not I am busy
Counterstrike: Global Offensive
I decided to join because you guys seem like a great group of people and you seem way more active than any other clan I have been in.
17 years in 19th May
Hungary (i dont know why my country code says Russia)

I am active on forum and ingame too. But im making exams in the next 2 weeks and im less ingame in the next 2 weeks.
Trackmania Turbo
Not a native english speaker