View Poll Results: Mascot choice?
Sketchy Giraffe
1 Votes / 11.11%
Guelphy Gryphons
1 Votes / 11.11%
6 Votes / 66.67%
an egg
1 Votes / 11.11%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Thunder YOu were declined second time. Dont try to come here once more or Ban Hammers will swing
Underestimating is the main problem in Toribash
ok i'm sorry if i making you all angry,but i want to be a member to this clan,but how i can to be a memmber of this clan?
flentino("Ok Send n invite then")

but you already say that,but if you say reject to me ok no problem but don't engry to me ok(sorry if you think my post is spamming)
ok I'll wait for an answer from you all ok

wik Moderated Message:
I said no
Last edited by Wik; Oct 30, 2011 at 03:10 AM.
Belt(Black Belt or Higher Preferred): 2nd dan
Best mods(Judo, wushu,tk, aikido, parkour,ect): aikido, parkour, running, soccer, and headpass
Why you want to join(Do i need to explain): I want to join because I think I finally found a clan I can fit into. like skinny jeans.
Infractions(Just so we know who we'll dealing with): i get infracted for useless posts. thats all.
Also i need three replays posts without replays will be shunned: can't post replays with my computer sadly. i have a macbook pro and it can't play games that well.
Age: 12