Hello. I've recently participated in few 1 v 1 tournaments and lost many finals and semi-finals because I got destroyed by overly meta champions like Olaf. As an Elise main I find it difficult to 1 v 1 any meta champion.
Was wondering if any of you know what would be the best champ to pick in 1 v 1 situation to have least chance of getting destroyed by counter picking?
I coulda swore most 1v1s were to the first death/kill?
And if that's not the case then Ziggs would be pretty broken considering he does so much damage to turrets.
Your boy
Added my boy Devil too.
Tarzaned might have a ton of knowledge but it still doesn't change the fact that he's an elo booster and very toxic. I would rather get informed by a slightly less skilled player that wasn't a blantant example of an arrogant high elo asshole. I use a lot of streams for learning to better my play, and it helps a lot.
Also, I'm in an elo hell loop I can't escape. I mean.. How do I win games like this?
Your boy
The frontline straight inted during late game, Brand was a complete nonfactor. I was 6-0(?) Out of lane on top of smashing MF out of usefulness but Shyv and Graves farmed brand and vi like it was the jungle. Vi was completely clueless and Swain did really good but when he got his lead he figured he could just 1v5 and live every fight. I had alright farm, KP, everything else. I can't close out games like this without competent teammates, I don't even have a decent duo partner to help me through this depression I deal with. It sucks honestly. I do reflect a lot on what I could do better to sway the tides of the game