Christmas Lottery
Hayz, do what you want man, I just can't get active with college lately.
I would tots try to get this up and running, but I really don't know how to get a dying clan back on it's feet. We lost most active members.
Me and you are the ones who usually post things, everyone else kinda ran off.
I still talk to NotNoob on LoL sometimes, but even then he's bored with the game.
I mostly think if you want a more serious clan, you're gonna have to go find one, No time to fix what's broken. Just using this now to talk and get on from time to time.
Always welcome back, etc etc.

If you were just joking, good on ya, could have fooled me.
Cheers! <3

itsbruce: I'm the leader. Lol
fair enough.
anyways, if you all want a serious clan, make one.
remember the clan fyre?
i was basicaly the leader of that.
when the clan was dead, did i sit there and LET it die?? no.
i got off my ass, got online, and recruited people, and kicked people
if you think it's dead? go ahead. then i'll go and revive it.
i'll get people that are online and playing.
i'll get people who will post.
i like cats

I still don't believe that people took my post seriously. And I'm even more surprised when it comes to you, Hacks... even though you still consided the chance of me fooling around.

But, hey. Let's be serious.
I feel like a douche for fooling around with people's feelings with this, let's call it, prank. It didn't go as expected. And I'm sorry.

Hacks knows it because he was the one to invite me to the clan that I already lost interest in the game a long. Time. Ago. Due the lack of interest, I've had a period of inactivity this year (about 3 - 4 months if I remember correctly) and when I did comeback, this was sent to Hacks by PM:
The part of coming back is a bit tricky... because yes, it's true that 'I'm back' but I don't intend to go back on making sp replays and other things related to the game. Just planning to stick with the forum (mainly the clan board and the chats over PM).

Because I was feeling sick of the game and I still am. The promise was kept. Actually, I just do that and go MP once in a while.
Oh... and I never was a clan person. I just joined [Atlantic] mainly because of Hacks asked me to do so. And I don't have ANY regret of what I've done. I'm pretty happy here and I'll stay here 'till I quit of this game for once.

Let's pretend that nothing of this has ever happened and we can continue with our merry lives.

And don't get me wrong. I'm not leaving.
If you need more answers, just PM. I'll gladly answer all your questions.

Originally Posted by NearlyDead View Post
You're a loser Hay-Z

You're so freaking adorable. <3
Last edited by Hayz; Dec 18, 2012 at 04:57 PM.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
I get where Hayz is coming from, this game and site are pretty boring so we all have to make our own entertainment you know? Since Atlantic is already a long time established clan none of us feel like we have anything to prove or indeed have any inclination to take it seriously in any way, read that as no motivation to do anything.
Do you really thought I would leave the clan and you like that?

Anyway... I would like to suggest a conversation topic but I just woke up and I'm not in the best mood to think.
You guys suggest something.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Drunken adventures.
That is now the topic. My internet is pretty shitty just now so i shall regale you with an epic drunken rampage as soon as it stabalizes long enough for me to post it.