Hi Obre,
I apologize for this app
To start things off, my name is Phillip, and I'd like to apply to become a member of Obey (hense posting here). I am currently 14 years of age and reside in America where my GMT happens to be -6.
I specialize in mods such as:
judo, xspar, and aikido (can and will adapt as needed).
As far as general information about me goes, there's actually a plethora of things. I enjoy running, enough so that I run cross country as well as track (mid-distance to distance runner, with the occasions sprint for the lulz). I also enjoy Steak and Shake. As for things toribash, I am a former Gamemaster and am currently lmod of a couple sections of the forums. I try to spar often as well as trying to get into dueling. I also make replay which can be found
That's about it. Thanks for taking the time to read this application, cheers.
Can you guys sign my butt?