Sure. We have quite a few programmers in here. Though, it would be quite the hard task to do. Getting zyrax in here won't be too easy, since he is kinda inactive. Even in skype ._.
And even I know how to make programms, I do it mainly in c++, while you, as much as I am concerned, use java more.
Also, I totally suck at game developing.
Anyways, yeah. Sure :>
Kam, your pc doesn't seem THAT bad. Have to see the gpu's specs, though.
So far, it seems that you should be able to run toribash. Like, totally.
Also, haven't played the revenge of the sunfish....
Ew. Just...... ew.
Also lol @ all skoolfags who have to attend the schools regularly
Know that even if I'm getting my ass raped a few times every year, I don't have to attend the uni all the timez.
Btw, J0Y. What do you think about using this library for the game?
If we decide to make something, that is.
Also, if we start doing it seriously, there should be some sort of a plot. And a game plan of some sort.
The game you made was bad, like rly.
it's like a free roam but you don't know what you're supposed to do other than walk around.
Wyv, we're talking exactly about falsh, so you can participate aswell, I guess.
The problem is that nothing has been done. And nobody has confirmed the idea being something more than just a random thing said for fun.