Originally Posted by Karstnator View Post
RAWWRH: check your teammates and enemies ranks after every fight to know where you'll be placed at :^)

The surprise is more interesting.

Wont be able to continue promos till monday.
I've lost 9 of my last 10 games hahaha. Mostly been trying lots of champions and stuff, sometimes for the first time. My last game, I had an S Rated performance on Malphite, 10/3/8. Our Evelynn was 4/11 and our Janna forgot to put any mastery points in before starting.

Thems the ropes though! I think I'll buy Jayce sometime next week and enjoy that.

Just enjoying the process. Not too worried about climbing a ladder.
Originally Posted by Retro View Post
Hardly, they hotfixed her q damage and it's now a measly +10 contrary to the +30.

Aside from Shitvir, I think it's best I climb alone when I play. I get nothing but bad luck when I duo, even if me and my partner do good. It seems only coincidental that my team doesn't do bad when I solo, but always happens to do terrible when I duo (even if me and my duo's performance has nothing to do with what happens to others). I'll try straight solo for a bit and see where I get.

who the fuck plays sivir for the damage on her q alone
her ult and spell shield are always good, and her w makes it easy to do dmg from farther away..
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Her Ult? You mean a watered down Mantra E from Karma? Outside of her Spellshield she is simply outclassed in the current meta. The hotfix on her Q reverted any chance she had of being a viable Lane Bully. She scales well into mid-late but a lot of other adcs do that better while maintaining better waveclear and damage, while also not having shit poor range and poke dependant on her w. With IE-SS-RFC being The Wave™ and Sivir literally being forced into building ER-SS/PD-IE every game as core means her damage spike comes later than a lot of meta picks.

The buff on her Q was going to be enough to push her into viability again but it overtuned her, and alas here we are. Basically unchanged Sivir.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
How does tristana hold up in the current meta? I always though she was a super fun champ to play.

tristana has a really stupid level 2 and she pushes towers incredibly fast. self peeling/highest range in the game/mobility with resets, she does a lot. she's a little more relevant with rfc+shiv
Last edited by TyZi; Jul 31, 2017 at 04:16 AM. Reason: removed talk with garbo hardstuck silver who knows more than me
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

ever since pros picked her up she's become more relevant again. if u wanna play a really good adc you should play caitlyn, shes pretty broken right now and can solo carry games by herself basically. even apdo (#1 kr soloq player) and several pros have stated so. but she's getting nerfed next patch, so getcha freelo
You have to get a lot of game knowledge like knowing good/bad matchups , knowing when the enemy jungler will gank, etc. to climb easier :^)

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Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Just had an insane comeback with RAWWRH. 16 minutes in we already lost drag, baron, and middle inhib to enemy team. Cameback to win it. He's trying to learn ADC, and I've been having fun rocking top lane. First time Shen, he's super fun. I love champions that reward good global map awareness.