Decision on specific applications all the way back from page 240.
Pliny12 - No
Fletinio - In a clan and complaining about how "painful" it is to wait, denied.
Cod305 - Not ready.
Rubenoel - Gee, Elite must take anyone, huh? Denied.
oldRapper - I love my company. On a serious note, I feel that your application has poor effort and you need more experience. No.
Victor4554 - No, not ready.
RedRebel24 - Need more experience.
Warlizard - No.
Rolandman - How's Violent Resolution treating you? Denied.
Pliny12, don't repost your application, please. We haven't forgotten about it.
PS - Reason why I haven't made a decision on specific applications is because I'm either neutral/need to see how well you work ingame/already have seen you play ingame but still contemplating.
Last edited by Kiza; Jul 14, 2013 at 10:24 AM.