Name my in game name is ninjaskils but my real name is reece
Age 16
GMT London UK
Replays no
Competitive game modes wushu ABD akido mushu but im quick at getting used to new mods

my best mod is ABD and akido im always online every day all day yea i know its prittey sad but i try to get better at toribash every day.

i want to be in obey because it is my fav clan because of all the art work and how much time has been spent on it and i would like to take part in a community like that.

if you want i can join a lobby and fight a member or something i have beat Hattersin in a lobby but the score is 1 -1 ATM but ill happily fight him again to get in
Last edited by NINJASKILS; Dec 27, 2014 at 04:27 PM.
Name my in game name is ninjaskils but my real name is reece
Age 16
GMT London UK
Replays no
Competitive game modes wushu ABD akido mushu but im quick at getting used to new mods

my best mod is ABD and akido im always online every day all day yea i know its prittey sad but i try to get better at toribash every day.

i want to be in obey because it is my fav clan because of all the art work and how much time has been spent on it and i would like to take part in a community like that.

if you want i can join a lobby and fight a member or something i have beat Hattersin in a lobby but the score is 1 -1 ATM but ill happily fight him again to get in.

why not
Originally Posted by NINJASKILS View Post
Name my in game name is ninjaskils but my real name is reece
Age 16
GMT London UK
Replays no
Competitive game modes wushu ABD akido mushu but im quick at getting used to new mods

my best mod is ABD and akido im always online every day all day yea i know its prittey sad but i try to get better at toribash every day.

i want to be in obey because it is my fav clan because of all the art work and how much time has been spent on it and i would like to take part in a community like that.

if you want i can join a lobby and fight a member or something i have beat Hattersin in a lobby but the score is 1 -1 ATM but ill happily fight him again to get in.

why not

Are you for real? You've already been denied, go away.
Remember kids: You can't spell SLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER.
My name is Lavender, Im 14 and people say I act older than I actually am, Which is good. My GMT is in Florence, Italy. Oh, I guess I dont have any replays. I'm really sorry, I thought I did. I am competitive in Mushu, ABD, Lenshu, Aikido, and seem to be really good at the Twinswords 4. An interesting thing about me is I started Toribash on Jun 8, 2014 and already am a black belt, Which is quite a lot to think about it. I also started out as a white belt that could really beat a lot of people. Lets say, that I guess I was more experienced in the fighting somehow, I also played a lot of servers with other Obey, Hattersin, Kratos, and Cheshyre are my idols. Well there you go. Thanks for reading
Last edited by Wednesday; Dec 29, 2014 at 07:44 AM.
Originally Posted by ILavender View Post
Oh wow, so you need replays to get in? Ive seen Others get in without replays, alright let me try and find them.

Read the first post nonetheless, if you base your app off of others than what makes you unique?
small hands
Hi My name is Malaki I am 14 I have been playing toribash for 7 years and wanted to start fresh Deleting every account password I ever had but this one. so I bought Qi that's why I am 10th dan I am very active in game if i'm not busy with school Im not very active on the forums because I have not found Intrest in them But I am starting To go on the forums more but I post once and a while I will be changing that soon. My GMT is -6 Some mods I like to be competitive in are Aikido, Aikido big dojo, and xspar. I parkour and fight for fun in real life and am poor in school