Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by AverageArtist View Post
Hey Zeus, so can i make that thread?

have to refresh my memory a bit. me on what the thread is about again.
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
Hey I wanna put my Skype in the Skype thread but its a pretty old thread, and I think I remeber a rule about not reviving old threads. Anyway I should be in game tomorrow. Also I noticed that Volltic is a member and I'm a freshman, but I've been here longer. Am I not active enough? I should be on more but I got a lot going on
Hey zeus, i was just thinking that we could maybe have a thread that people could post on about complaints of our clan members, and we could set up a system where if you have a certain amount of agreed on complaints(complaints that have been proven with screen shots, witnesses and just any kinda evidence.and then agreed upon by the recruiters and council) they would be kicked or demoted. i believe we have a tread that is somewhat similar to this but this would be a thread where you can only post complaints and we people could discuss them. This probably wont be my best idea but its my first
[Origin] executive recruiter
Originally Posted by AverageArtist View Post
Hey zeus, i was just thinking that we could maybe have a thread that people could post on about complaints of our clan members, and we could set up a system where if you have a certain amount of agreed on complaints(complaints that have been proven with screen shots, witnesses and just any kinda evidence.and then agreed upon by the recruiters and council) they would be kicked or demoted. i believe we have a tread that is somewhat similar to this but this would be a thread where you can only post complaints and we people could discuss them. This probably wont be my best idea but its my first

I actually like this idea. I'm not sure how much it would be used (not many of us have issues with eachother) but it would be there if we need it. Of course, you are asking Zeus not me
Originally Posted by AverageArtist View Post
Hey zeus, i was just thinking that we could maybe have a thread that people could post on about complaints of our clan members, and we could set up a system where if you have a certain amount of agreed on complaints(complaints that have been proven with screen shots, witnesses and just any kinda evidence.and then agreed upon by the recruiters and council) they would be kicked or demoted. i believe we have a tread that is somewhat similar to this but this would be a thread where you can only post complaints and we people could discuss them. This probably wont be my best idea but its my first

oh yeah go ahead boss.
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
I'm glad Tuni is very forum active, but he's posting way too much and posting in threads he's not supposed to. He hasn't even got accepted yet,
[CENTER][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]||-XteraCw-|| [COLOR="purple"] Member of [COLOR="blue"] Origin Council