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Anyone know of an in depth guide for csing as adc? Im pretty good at fights and shit, just have a hard time and getting started.
Before you look at farming guide you need to understand wave management which is the basics of everything in all lanes even junglers need to fully grasp it to climb.
Heres a guide for wave management:
Mostly farming itself is easy to do(you should always have 14% attack speed runes tho as an adc so you can farm/trade better) if you wanna improve your csing , go in a custom game without runes and masteries and try to farm up to 150, after some time you'll easily have good cs without even trying.
While farming under a tower melee minions take 2 shots then you can last hit it.
While farming a ranged minions you have to hit it once before the tower shot and once after the tower shot(or your support can help you by hitting it once but thats barely done in games below d4).
The thing about farming is not just number like having "xx cs in 10 mins" its actually relative to your opponent, like you can miss some farm to deny him some or actually win your lane, like if you have a minion dying infront of you and one dying infront of him you can actually drop that 1 minion to get a hit and a spell on him which might cause you to win the lane eventually even if he has higher farm or you can even use that to outfarm him by zoning him from incoming waves by hitting him once each time he last hits.
Or you can both be bad at farming relative to other lanes due to helping junglers in invades/etc.
In some matchups you actually have to lose farm to survive theres a lot of these matchups in top lane not sure about adc but I think draven is one of those.
Overall tips:1- Never value farm over dying, its always better to drop farm and have low amount of death(this is the most common problem in low elo)
2- After 25 mins always stay grouped don't go to another lane solo to farm it'll lose you a lot of games, you can still push a lane real quick but don't overdo it, and it should be the lane near the main next objective but never go the opposite lane to next objective as an adc after 25 mins, thats the top laners job. Like if baron is up dont push bot even if its a huge wave, however if its top you can go do it real quick and re-group.
3- Farming is relative to your opponent not time or other lanes.
4- Its fine to lose some farm in some hard matchups or when getting ganked.
Last edited by loay1234; Sep 11, 2017 at 01:47 PM.