So... anyone play any good games lately? Broke out my old gamecube and playing the shit out of F-Zero with possibly the most overpowered AI ever programed in a racing game (at least in the story mode)
Also souuls: pm me your FC so we can battle 'n shit.
I can't find my melee, even though I was in a tournament for it a couple of weeks ago. I played WoW back in '07, don't play it anymore, even though my manager tried to convince me to play it again last year. Also playing a shit ton of RB3 (where that insane clip was from).
i Play WoW a bit , it is actually a good game ,the bad Thing is that it will ruin your rl (and that you have to pay every month for it D:<)
I'm guessing you are playing on Blizzard since people are rich in Germany.
I play on Freakz, Exodus realm. It's prety much the best private server avaible.