Playing singed is pretty different compared to most top laners, so I’m not dure what exactly to tell you bout your Kayle matchup. However, I can say that being able to concede cs to stay healthy enough to lane is super important to be able to do. For example, csing as zed or fizz in the early levels is difficult for newer players. Simply don’t take any that will put you in a spot where you can take a bad trade. You not hitting minions will push the wave to your tower, where you won’t be too behind even after not even attempting to take some cs.
In an unfavorable lane, your goal is to survive until you can pop off in other stages of the game. Make a TP play or panth/sion ult bot/mid lane to create a lead.
I think pantheon is a great solo q champion from top lane, global presence is a big deal to me so I play TF. You seem to be doing well on Akali as well. Your match history looks fine, but I’ll reinforce that learning to play pantheon or akali’s difficult matchups will be better for you than to lose lp to play a champion for the first time in ranked— imagine what your win rate would be if you didn’t have that 0% win rate across 1 game on so many champions.
as a side note: come home soon buddy its weird ur not blue
Gold 5