Originally Posted by nissan350z View Post
Name (User name): nissan350z.
Age: 13.
About how long have you been playing?: One year or less But leave it to play nuevo.Hace empese 5 weeks leave last month.

Belt: blue belt (5th Dan).
Reason For Joining: i would like to be in this an clan Because We Can play together and its just fun much I enjoy being in a clan
Favorite / Best Official Mod: Aikido (In Spar am very good)
Special Skills (if servire Nose perosoy much good in Aikido, Wushu, Spar, Judo).

Contact Information:

Location (City, State, Country): Argentina, i do not speak English very well
Screen Name: Leonel.
Hopefully I can get.
Replay:[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]Attachment 333237[/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH]Hope you like it

No for me
Originally Posted by nissan350z View Post
Name (User name): nissan350z.
Age: 13.
About how long have you been playing?: One year or less But leave it to play nuevo.Hace empese 5 weeks leave last month.

Belt: blue belt (5th Dan).
Reason For Joining: i would like to be in this an clan Because We Can play together and its just fun much I enjoy being in a clan
Favorite / Best Official Mod: Aikido (In Spar am very good)
Special Skills (if servire Nose perosoy much good in Aikido, Wushu, Spar, Judo).

Contact Information:

Location (City, State, Country): Argentina, i do not speak English very well
Screen Name: Leonel.
Hopefully I can get.
Replay:[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]Attachment 333237[/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH][/ATTACH]Hope you like it

He opener
What!? The heck!? Dude! At least put sense and an invade tags in your posts!
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Originally Posted by nissan350z View Post
Belt: blue belt (5th Dan).


Originally Posted by nissan350z View Post
Reason For Joining: i would like to be in this an clan Because We Can play together and its just fun much I enjoy being in a clan

I think thats the main reason here. It seems that nobody knows you in this clan, so I think you never played with one of us.

Also you never have read the rules I guess. At least you haven't accepted them and also:

Originally Posted by nissan350z View Post

Location (City, State, Country): Argentina, i do not speak English very well

Originally Posted by First page
A good level of English is required if you want to join.

[Rejected]Yep rejected.[/rejected]

(also you didnt really care about all those [] tags infront of your replay link, so you dont really seem to want in this clan.)

Also we don't really need a car. Really. We are hunters. We are sneaking around and kill silently.
Last edited by Pitch; Mar 1, 2012 at 01:46 PM. Reason: Added joke
Belt (Minimum is black):black belt
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game ? :very happy
Why do you want to join us and not another clan?(please explain in depth):because I was searching for good,active,and friendly clan and I found hunters
Are you recommended by one of our members ? (if so,by who ?) :no one
Have you read our rules,and do you agree to follow them if accepted ? yes
Favorite/Best Official Mod:aikido,aikidoBD
Special skills: (Cannot include Toribash skills like replay-making.Can include any skills outside it):marketing
Examples of that skill(if applicable,at least 2 would be nice):-
Previous Clans(if any): pubstars,nightmare,and gods
Favorite Forum(if any):market
Toribash organizations Affiliated With(if any):Indonizer [I]
Do you have an alternate account,and if so,what is it ?( we don't allow multi-clanning) :-
Level of forum activity(Important!):9/10
Number of Infractions:0
u wot m8