Okay! Everybody here is exactly what happened!
Okay so... me and thatguy were sparring together! And we did it for a while! Then Bch comes in. Now there was some sort of bug in the server, so that whoever joins gets to play automatically! So I told Bch to please spec! And he didn't... so i told him to please spec and he does. But then he starts going on and on and on about me and the clan, and I told him "This server is for sparring not chatting!". Then he keeps doing it so I kick him, and he comes back! Then I say "Bch please leave I am not in the mood for this!". And he goes on again. So I ban him! Then he comes back with alts saying "NIGGER" "NIGGER" "NIGGER"! So I kept trying to bann his alts, but he came back with tons and tons more! So I had to report him, I'm not gonna get bullied by someone and just sit there! And so then me and BoredPayne talk. I give him the screenshot and it then was decided that it was gonna be a ban! And that's all there is too it!