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Originally Posted by thepureone View Post
Yep same here. <,< it has been a while since I checked who is inactive/ who is just plane lazy. <,< damn Ima be mad when there is a huge drop in members. it is not wanted but must be done either so.

I agree. I've dropped a few members, but just recruited 2 in their place, so hopefully our clan's wellbeing will remain well and improve in activeness.
FOUNDER of [Wicked]
Join the Survivors.SALE 15k HunterForces
Nyster I bet ur clan will become official! Ur desc is amazing! U have all the requirements for the front page and wicked is very active!
Lumpy is sooo not getting his spot back and just to be said Lumpy you won't even be considered for it before atleast 4 months has passed..

Ok 3 things.

What in the **** happened to Urmy this time.

Next is lumpy what in the **** is going on with you. You do understand that you are not different at all than you were form when you were in leadership. For example thinking that in a week you will be reinstated. Does that make sense. You are being highly hypocritical for the fact that if you were in Bchs position in power and BCH was the one who f***ed up. You would truly not want him to be back in his spot. But further more you would be the one who would be the first to vote no. And in all of this both you and bch have broken a few rules AGAIN. And so help me if there is one more occurrence of this I will be going to fish my self and requesting the both of you to not have the ability to post in this DSC, Am I clear,

But you know what this is not the first time you acted this hostly to a clan member. It was the same for thenine99, and twinsword2, EVEN though you swore on your life you would change. It is quiet clear to me any other member that you are far from changed in the slightest. And Now you have given this clan more set backs By ACTUALLY REPORTING a FELLOW MEMBER. And the one that you have been arguing with. Well you know what. Until Urmy has come back thatguy will be head of chair and thedarklord will be the in the 2nd seat. Followed by shigure1 as the medium. And we shall but this council to use by voting on what we should do with you lot.
Okay! Everybody here is exactly what happened!
Okay so... me and thatguy were sparring together! And we did it for a while! Then Bch comes in. Now there was some sort of bug in the server, so that whoever joins gets to play automatically! So I told Bch to please spec! And he didn't... so i told him to please spec and he does. But then he starts going on and on and on about me and the clan, and I told him "This server is for sparring not chatting!". Then he keeps doing it so I kick him, and he comes back! Then I say "Bch please leave I am not in the mood for this!". And he goes on again. So I ban him! Then he comes back with alts saying "NIGGER" "NIGGER" "NIGGER"! So I kept trying to bann his alts, but he came back with tons and tons more! So I had to report him, I'm not gonna get bullied by someone and just sit there! And so then me and BoredPayne talk. I give him the screenshot and it then was decided that it was gonna be a ban! And that's all there is too it!
bull***t lumpy that does not sound like urmy i know u were with thatguy but im pretty sure everything else is bull s**t
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