Christmas Lottery
First Modding Tut
The first thing you need to learn as a Modder is the ability to place objects in a mod.
Now this can either be done through code or visually.
I personally use Worldbuilder.
Now this is an old script but it works a treat.

Step one-Readying Worldbuilder
First of all go to your toribash folder
Then rename worldbuilder.lua to worldbuilder2.lua.
This is because for some reason world builder doesn’t work when it is called world builder.
Some sort of toribash glitch.
When you have done that you can open toribash and load world builder.
Press h for the controls.
With world builder you can create simple layouts easy. But you cant create object joints.
Some extra controls
C-colour (We will get onto this later)

Step two-Making your first mod
For now create a simple mod with stationary scenery.
Make your scenery then do the following.
Press enter (num pad)
Press + (num pad)
Repeat until all objects are selected.
Now press F then select static.
Now all your all the items you have placed will remain static and will not move.
Now press enter (not the num pad one) twice. This should remove the chat bar yet keep the save bar up.
Type in the name you want the mod to be called.

Step three-Finishing up
Now for the last step.
Go to.
Then select the mod you made and rename it to [name here].tbm
This shall turn it into a toribash mod.
Now copy and paste the new mod into your toribash mod folder.
Now you have done and you can go play your mod.
For now you shall realise you can set you game rules so you will have to reset your game rules every time.

Also omgggg.
to xoxoxox

hey kapcha
jo war2
Last edited by Sentinel; Jul 21, 2011 at 05:19 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
Name:My name is haioko
Forum activity:i have 15
post,but I go every day in the forum
In-game activity: 10/10,but I study in the morning and afternoon work
IRC activity:0/10
Previous infractions/bans(include the reason): None
Timezone:I don't know, I live in Brazil
Best mods: running, Judo, taekkyon
Belt(this won't really affect your chances of joining): 3dan black belt
Why you want to join:because this is a very good clan with good members and very active, also had to fill in everything =) I want to participate.
Any other talents(e.g. art, replay making): I do texture of the head
Any additional info about yourself:I am 15 years I live in Brazil I want to enter this clan XD
player card
Attached Images
haioko.jpg (14.1 KB, 5 views)
no. brazilians are kewl people and all but no.
i dont know you.
Also ouw wtf.
delete that post
nice replays xoxoxoxox
i applied for clan ally with [-psy] really like there clan and want to help them along to officialness
Last edited by Sentinel; Jul 21, 2011 at 07:14 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
Name: Joshua Harper, you guys can just call me josh

GMT: +10

Belt: orange (Stich was 7th dan.)

Ban/Frac History: None.

Forum/Irc Activity: I'm very active on the forums every day i am on, Most days i am on irc.

Best Mod: Aikido because it is the mod i play the most and is the mod i have played most over the years.

Talents: Marketing is my best talent.

Why do you want to join?: Well if you guys dont know yet i am the real stich and i am known by most your members, any way when i joined hit hycx wanted me to join Revenge and i said i will see how hit gos but yesterday we got rejected then muur said he was thinking of killing [hit] So i quit as i hate to see clans die so i am now taking hycx up on his offer and applying to come and make this clan family.
i also have a nice personalty and will be a very friendly member.

Why should we let you?: Well i am a nice guy i am a active member and im in-game active when needed i will help the clan out best i can and how i can..

Info about yourself: I am 14 years old which means I have school, My life is not the best latly as i get picked on at school due to my hight, My mum and dad split up when i was only young, I live in Australia and have all my life.My hobbies are riding bmx and have broken both my legs and both my arms doing so.I am not religions, i have 2 step- brothers but i have two sisters Amber age 12 and Alex age 19 so I'm the only boy in my non-step family.

Replays: none on this computer due to me droping my laptop down stairs 2 months ago and cracked the screen so when i get it back ill show you some but that mite be some time
(2 weeks+).

Thanks for your time.

Last edited by Karanak; Jul 21, 2011 at 08:26 AM.
►TMA | | ◄
i find it weird you told us about your family but hey.
some people do that.
i will just omit that from any future posts.
Anyway a bit cautious.
dont want another fake stich
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
Originally Posted by XOXOXOX View Post
Forum activity: 3-5 hours a day.
In-game activity: 3-5 hours a day.
IRC activity:I don't use irc, never needed to.
Previous infractions/bans(include the reason):Some from when i was quite new to toribash.
Timezone:+10 (Australia).
Best mods:Aikido,AikidoBD,Taekyon.
Belt(this won't really affect your chances of joining):6th dan.
Why you want to join:Revenge looks like a good and active clan, i'v played a few games with some of your members and they are exceptional, and pwnage asked me if i need a clan.
Any other talents(e.g. art, replay making):I used to texture.
Any additional info about yourself:Not really :l.

Yes, but you must stop shoveling
lol xoxoxox shovels when hes bored
shoveling dirt shoveling dirt.
shovel shovel shovel XD
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
Hey guys its Karanak my lilbro disided to quit toribash so i got stich back so im using it again.

So David if i get in send a invite to this account.