I don't know if it's been noticed but, I havn't been on much recently. I recently set things straight towards my father whom I havn't seen for 2 years once again. So it's all good and I can be on a little more. Sorry for the sporatic inactivity. Couldn't really help it. But, atleast now I can visit my father and other brothers now!
EDIT: Oh, and I can be on TB much more!
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee
Honestly, I would never care to even apply for this kind of position. I mean, if I was offered, great. But, I think it would suck all the fun out of the game in a certain aspect. Just a thought to maul around. Besides, I'm not even on enough to be minimally qualified for that.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee
He probably just closed a part of the ports span on your lap-top that TB and other mp games use.
Contact Kitifox ... Too bad man, I hope u will somehow manage to bypass that shit.
What if the IT guy in his school is *gulp* Kitfox himself 0.o
Oh you mean like bouncers?
About the gun i think i saw trumpet-like gun on internet, and i saw it too on many pirates movies from middle 80 to 90, maybe it perfect for the Piratez crew.
EDIT: here, i found a few pictures, what do you think?