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Comp is by far the most fun game mode for me, below that would be kz/surf/h&s and finally casual.
If I was below rank 3 then to level I'd play casual. It's the closest to comp so maybe you will actually learn to play a bit. But really pick whatever mode is fun for you.
casual is just a clusterfuck, i wouldnt recommend it to ANYONE, sadly there is no gamemode which is comp just without rankings, or similar to it, only on community servers where you dont gain any XP.
also you can start comp whenever you want, but you have to beware that you will end up in the rank you belong, but as you get better you will work your way up.
if yo want to have fun with the game try some bhop server's or surf, whatever you prefer, helps lots with movement and understanding the game.
anyways guys, im heading to reach MG, i cant smoke for shit, i cant aim for shit with 99% of weps, but i end up topfragging most games when i play SSG and AWP... how important is it to learn smoke spots? since i play mostly with premades and some of them know a few i never thought much about learning them, since i either function as AWP entryfragger (you literally cant 1v1 me on inferno mid) or lurker i dont really needed them yet since i just outaim my enemys, so im questioning at what point i need them..