Happy birthday dude, I'd send you somthing but I have fuck all toricredits. If you like empty sets however, I may have something for you.
Sorry guys, computer broken up, that's why I can't open the forum and play TB :c
But, I can still checking the forum by internet cafe
u wot m8
Empty sets?
Nah mate, I have over 10 of those.
Bought so many, dunno what to do with them, they might come in handy sometime.
Anyone wanna ".gif" me their gamer tags?
Lol I'm so FUNNEH!

Desperately trying to get back into TB...

No shit xD. I was toooootaly away and I forgot to say xD. Sumer and shit. but in a week i shall be ready back again :P.
Underestimating is the main problem in Toribash