Hi my name is jordie cooper I am 15 years old I am from aus in NSW.
my iq is 1390 and my win % is 56.07 I am a black belt.
The mods I am good at is judo and mushu and wushu and tk and aikido my rank is very high.
I wood like to join your clan not just to be in a clan but to mack new frands and have fun I am a good sport I do not rage quit.
I have been playing for a long time I have two more old acc there name r jordie cooper and reddragan but I do not use them now just this one.
I beleave that I can help out as much as I can and set a good exzepull to ever one out there .
I got deslexer so its hard to right and read and spell for me as u can see.
by letting me in your clan u will not just have a new mumber but a new frand.
I am going in to year 10 now but I can steel play as much as I can.
I wood love to join your clan and meet new players on the way.
this is or I got hope you like this from jordie