I'm not sure what you are trying to intend here, Star. Dynamic duo from hell? If that isn't a joke, and you actually got a problem, feel free to pm me. I don't want to deal with things like this on our lovely forums.
Also, I didn't mean to offend you, lightingze, when I said to reread your posts. I feel as if you got great opinions and ideas, but I'm having a rough time understanding you. Ignore me if you like, it was just a suggestion/idea.
Ooh, getting some romance in this HISSAY?!??!
Anyway, Kindle you're a great leader man. I mean, this clan is great and all but you stand out for making this clan. Your members feel proud of you and I'm sure ale455 won't let you down when your time is done
Oh, and gimme yo shit when the time is done. I need it.