My name Is Patrick feel free to call me Pat for short
My Gmt is -8.I live in California.
I have 1 infraction for ignoring rules in Art/Textures board.
If i get accepted into this clan I believe I can be very active because being in a clan will give me some motivation to get on.
My past clans were Evil and Doc. I left them both because of Extreme inactivity.
My best mods are wushu and aikido. I am very Well rounded as well.
I do not really have any "talents" other than minor art edits and playing toribash.
I have many reasons for joining.
1.Well, since it appears this is a revival of a clan i would like to help revive it.
2.Has members that are worth my time to talk and associate with.
3.I want to help with any events or that sort etc.
4.I believe I would have a great time partaking in the clan.
You should let me in this clan because I am a nice person, pretty good on tb and if you get to know me you will love me.=D
I'm 13,I wanna being to texture with the right guidance, and I'm a decent marketer.
Here are a few of my replays.
clean decap no edits.rpl (71.0 KB, 3 views)
Feh.rpl (71.9 KB, 1 views)
Highest jump to decap i think.rpl (35.8 KB, 2 views)
i spin u loose an armf.rpl (40.9 KB, 2 views)
i spin u loose an arm.rpl (27.4 KB, 1 views)