Salutations My name is AzureMage, and obviously I would like to apply for this clan I've been through three previous clan over three previous accounts until I thought that I was ready for a clan. For reference the three clans were Fyre, Tea, and Fantasy I'm a 2nd Dan black belt at the moment around 440 games until 3rd. My Favorite mods are Judo and Akido my weakness is Wushu, and honestly I'm not the best in-game I'm competent enough to tag along in clan wars though. I don't know if you all would consider this a talent or skill but I make a fairly good counselor, I know anyone can listen right? and what can that do for a clan well in my experience I've seen a clan disband over problems in real life. Just think of me as a white mage, a personal note my name is Shem and I'm a 20 year old Virgo from Texas, I tend to shy away from the more childish things and foster brotherhood. My favorite color is green and I'm a carpenter by trade, I've been a gamer since birth and will be until my demise. That's all I believe is necessary anything else would be a nuisance I would think anything else feel free to message me, much obliged for your time