Christmas Lottery
time to think about trying LoL then aikidou ;)

if you are interested, just send me a pm.
(I've been said, that LoL is more difficult then DotA by a friend, but I didnt play DotA enough to rate that )
I know its weird to say, but Le Blanc and Ryze are good, Le Blanc needs support to get her OP early on and Ryze is a good for his stuns and burst damage, pair that with another stun/slow champ and a tank your good to go :P

Ryze, Alistar and Tryndamere would make a good team x)
I play Shaco, very hard to use but once you get good he can quite literally turn around any fight so long as you plant your turrets in the bushes x)
As I said: I'm currently learning him. Already won alot with Warwick (my main) but wanted to try something new. And I heard he is a challenge, but once you got it he is one of the funniest characters in the game.

One question Soul: what do you skill first, Q or E?
and by the way here is my first build for Shaco:

BoS, HP/MP pot
Berserkers or Mobility (depends on other team)
Vampiric Scept -> Wriggles Lantern
Sheen (optional)
B.F. Sword
Infinity Edge
Phantom Dancers
Trinity Force
Actually I build W first and just spam them in a bush before the monsters spawn so I can nuke down the first jungle wave. But if you don't want W I'd go for E since it'll help your teammates with its slow

Thats not a bad build at all, I could have fun with that
nah, I meant which one you get to lvl 5 first ;)
as first skill in game (lvl 1) I also prefer W, since it gives you a huge advantage against jungle-creeps (blue at lvl 1 etc)
hm, kk. thx than

btw, a friend of mine just bought LeBlanc. Soul, could you tell me a little bit about how she behaves ingame (positioning, chasing etc) and how to build her proper in order to help my friend?