when you finished the replay press f and select the name, the replay will be saved in the folder toribash\replays.
It would be great with an iBot tut. Im not sure if it already exists. If so, please post the link.

[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Here! it is enjoy! itn not the actuiall tutorial i just passed over it about 5 min's ago and thought it would be usefull. It tells you all you need to know i guess.
Herp Derp
can somebody make a tut on making pecs, arms, hands, ankles, ect. on GIMP?

every time i try... it turns into a head XDXDXDXD
cuz ive only had GIMP for 2 days and thats all i know how to make..
theres no tuts on YT and i didnt see any here, so if there is already one here please let me know.
I'd like a tutorial on how to fight relaxed. I hope there are simple replays on it that people can redo and get used to it.