Ninja: I like your app man, yes, welcome to Ascend bri. I'll invite you later once I get to a computer

Boer: wow you got rhae in your name XD, good clean record and thanks for that compliment to the clan! I hipe you live up to what you said in your contributions because i'm going to give you a chance and say YES!

Sent from my A818i Duo using Tapatalk 2
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
Check out my 🎧 FREE💃 sound request shop! - I have a lot of art (like, 45+ heads and a few sets) for sale! PM me for them!
Ok Ty U So Much Prowler For the Yes now i Just Need One more :3 oh Well Nvm Ty Ascend For Saying Yes U Wont Regret It :3
Have Fun | Enjoy Life | Stay Cool
Originally Posted by NinjaKyle View Post
Name:In Game: Ninja Kyle IRL: Kyle
Belt:2nd Dan Black belt In 23 Games im 3rd Dan
Country and timezone:North Carolina UTC 5:00
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10):9
Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?):Apex : They Died Phase: Not Forum Active Pyro: There Just Jerks So Left
Contacts (Skype, E-mail, etc):Email: [email protected]
What mod are you good in? (Optional: post replays):Mushu ,Akdio ,Greykido ,ABD ,Wushu
What can you contribute to the clan?(Please make your claim strong,any proofs?):i Would Like To Help Other People im A Well Rounded Kind A Guy I Can Always Make Someone Laugh And i Could Become Better At Toribash And Help Others Become Good Aswell
Any bans/infractions?:Never Got Banned or Had Any Infractions
Why do you want to [Ascend]?:Cause i See People In The Clan Alot I Think They Are Pretty Good And I Think Thing The Clan Is Really Good And i Would Like To Take Part
Player Card( nick here.png):
Did anyone refer you here?:MudJad
Got some more to add?:Ty For Taking Ur Time To Read This App It Means Alot To me And i Hope u Can Have a New Memeber And Ima Add SAome Replayes Aswell

Yeash man I like your app :3

Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
My twin bro?

hahaha i laughed too much at what did kyle said , btw bazo when u will send me the head ?
↝In the name of Allah↜
↝Angels ツ my twin for ever↜
Mud jad i am sorry i have let u down i am unbanned can u just give me another chance i have let the whole clan down im not a scammer and i will never be one...
Have Fun | Enjoy Life | Stay Cool
Yeah, please leave :<
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
Check out my 🎧 FREE💃 sound request shop! - I have a lot of art (like, 45+ heads and a few sets) for sale! PM me for them!
Ok I understand by I don't understand y u can't just hear me out, listen and give me another chance but ok bye...
Have Fun | Enjoy Life | Stay Cool
Name:Ash Fleming ( ash like pokemon )
Belt: Well, I am originally a 2nd dan black belt but then I lost my account details, and my email is not seeming to work. So overall I hope you still take this app into consideration even though the clan rules state black belts and over.
Country and time-zone: I'm from England although I am not so sure about the time zone I'm very sorry for the inconvenience XD
How active are you in-game and forums?: In game I am 10, forum wise I'm probably, hmm a 5 I don't post much but i do look at forums allot, although i only post when there is something interesting to tell, or when I have to.
Any clans you joined before us?: When i had my other account I was in (Godz) then (quack) and lastly (Y) although those clan are not particularly the best, don't underestimate my individual skill :]
Contacts (Skype, E-mail, etc): My email is; [email protected] although I don't have a Skype email I would be happy to make one if necessary.
What mod are you good in? (Optional: post replays):I am good in: Wushu, ABD, akido, greykido, judo and mushu.
What can you contribute to the clan? Well I am your general working guy, i will be happy to do anything that I am ordered to do in reason of course and I am working on making my textures better
Any bans/infractions?: Not that I know of.
Did anyone refer you here? No, just thought I should probably be making progress, so I thought I should try out for a hard working clan.
Got some more to add?: Just that I would be happy if I made the team.
Last edited by MrHaxor; Jan 18, 2014 at 04:15 PM.