IGN name: Supahoes
Belt(Minimum belt is black): UPDATE: I AM NOW BLACK BELT! WOOT WOOT
The mods you are good at/you play the most: Usually, I play Aikido, Runkido, Greykido, Mushu, Judo, and the scorpion mod.
Previous clans: I am not affiliated with any clans, due to the fact that i've never been in one.
The country you are from: Japan
Some replays of yours: Unfortunately, all of my replays are crap. I'll put one in anyway.
Why do you wanna join us: I wanted to join KnC because many people I look up to are here. Recently, I've played with Truth (whom I look up to the most to in toribash) and he said he I would be a great addition to this clan, despite numerous times, telling him I'm only a brown belt.
Tell us a little about yourself: Well.. I used to do Jiu-Jitsu and Kickboxing in Hawaii (my dojo
http://www.onzuka.com/o2academy.html), and also, I enjoy anime.