• Applications are OPEN for: Cleaner - Recruiter - W/E Manager

• New Team Member: Samdolf5 - Recruiter

2016 - JackAzz-CLAN Reformed & Reloaded
2015 - JackAzz-CLAN 2.0
2015 - JackAzz-CLAN
2015 - JackAzzClan Updated
2015 - JackAzzClan
2014 - TheJackAzzClan 3.0
2014 - TheJackAzzClan 2.0
2014 - TheJackAzzClan
Last edited by Assassin; Oct 8, 2016 at 07:37 PM.
Originally Posted by xSteelBone View Post
Type /rf (*enter) then /sa JackAzz (*enter) in your ToriBash Client (ingame):
(with this command can you see wich Clan-Members are now in-game online and also in wich servers they are)

I know that command. And there wasn't anyone on at the time so I thought I'd ask on forum
What are everyone's thoughts on, say, clan training, people who excel in certain mods could give tips and show fellow clan members the basics to better the clan as a whole
Originally Posted by dabarrett View Post
What are everyone's thoughts on, say, clan training, people who excel in certain mods could give tips and show fellow clan members the basics to better the clan as a whole

I like the idea.
if this is realised i would suggest dividing into small teams, so you can pick you "poisen" so to speak.

Lets say if i wanted to improve in ABD i would then pick an ABD group. and each group would have a "teacher"/"Instructor".
Originally Posted by muuhu View Post
I like the idea.
if this is realised i would suggest dividing into small teams, so you can pick you "poisen" so to speak.

Lets say if i wanted to improve in ABD i would then pick an ABD group. and each group would have a "teacher"/"Instructor".

yeah, like different lobbies, one could be mushu, lenshu, abd, or armed combat etc
Originally Posted by muuhu View Post
I like the idea.
if this is realised i would suggest dividing into small teams, so you can pick you "poisen" so to speak.

Lets say if i wanted to improve in ABD i would then pick an ABD group. and each group would have a "teacher"/"Instructor".

we had this before:


TJAC = TheJackAzzClan (old name)

and bcz no one used this servers i took them out.

so if you wish i can upload some new clan servers in SERVERS

just tell me wich mods you wish.
Originally Posted by JackAzzSkelli View Post
we had this before:


TJAC = TheJackAzzClan (old name)

and bcz no one used this servers i took them out.

so if you wish i can upload some new clan servers in SERVERS

just tell me wich mods you wish.

Well, if no one is interested in using them i see no point.
Maybe we should start by finding out how many will be wanting to use those.