Originally Posted by
That suspension thing is probably you leaving too many games.
Annie won't be nerfed, I think, just fixed.
Anivia won't be changed, she's in a very good position right now (viable, strong and balanced).
Cho'Gath is definitely a strong champion, but nowhere near OP. He has a strange role in the sense that he's a tank without any decent initiation. He doesn't do much damage either late-game, he's just unkillable. Ignore and leave to kill last. For sheer damage, he only has his ultimate. The rest is just a sad burst with a semi-long cooldown. Vorpal Spikes also hurts if he has some attack speed, but he'll be squishier if he invests in it. Also Boots of Swiftness is kinda bad for almost everyone. The other boots are too good to not take.
If people build tanky AP like they would say nunu, then cho'gath does begin to hurt. Remember his Q, E, and W are all AoE. He can also single target burst like a mother. Most people see OMG 900 HP FROM FEAST MUST BUILD 6 WARMOGS, but instead you should abuse the free tankiness (like think poppy passive) and just build AP.
Also cho is impossible to get out of lane, he can free farm all day.
I remember playing xin zhao and laning against cho.. we both tried to harass each other but we'd heal up after every minion wave. We just gave up on harassing each other and only farmed. We each finished with like 150 CS by 20 minutes but his team was getting raped mid, bot, and jungle, so they surrendered.
Was amusing
Last edited by 2worlds; Aug 8, 2011 at 07:49 AM.