Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
Give me co and I bet this will be active again. Ya'll are too soft on your members. PM their bitch ass and say "POST WITHIN 3 DAYS OR BE KICKED", you guys are making NO EFFORT to FORCE forum posting on this clan. We are OFFICIAL. If we do not have a active enough forums we WILL be removed. Get your fucking head together guys or we are going to be a dead clan.

I have things going on.

self proclaimed lurker and stalker
Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
Zeus, you should know what to do at the moment but that's up to you on if you wanna do it or not.
Give me co and I bet this will be active again. Ya'll are too soft on your members. PM their bitch ass and say "POST WITHIN 3 DAYS OR BE KICKED", you guys are making NO EFFORT to FORCE forum posting on this clan. We are OFFICIAL. If we do not have a active enough forums we WILL be removed. Get your fucking head together guys or we are going to be a dead clan.

i have bigger things to deal woth, sister has cancer. I know what i have to do.

Originally Posted by savlon View Post
dude, take as long as it takes, im sure no one minds how long you go, just sort out what you need to do. your sister needs you more then we do.


Originally Posted by -Lucie- View Post
If someone don't know me, go in our clan rank or pm me I will answer!
I missed you guys so much!! <3

hey there, welcome back.

Originally Posted by MasterFate View Post
OMG WE DIDNT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!! I was worried (by what I was told happened to you) Glad to have you back we missed you too DDD

Yeah I realize this im working on it Zeus is taking care of his sister (as far as I know and was told) wont be too long till we are up and running again

sister has cancer for real
This isnt sameone im playing its real life . She will be home soon so it will be earyer to watch her.
|Proud founder of origin|
Clan Squad|Event Squad<Biggems|Simga|
Got a clan issue? How about a App? pm me!
Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
Originally Posted by iIluminati View Post
aye m8
who be you

I'm friends with some of the members here m8.
[insert name here] [insert name here] [insert name here]
Originally Posted by Crack11 View Post
I'm friends with some of the members here m8.

Well we do accept invades.
guys, its been great but i think im gonna have to leave. barely any of us are forum active and almost none of us are ingame active.

this doesnt really feel like a clan anymore... i know you all have things you need to focus on, but i think i need to move on.

to me you guys will always be the best