Belt:7th dan blackbelt.
Past Clans:Violent(Died). Legendary.
Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..):I don't have any specialty's in any of those lol.
Player Card:
Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any):F0amhand
Recommendations/Vouchers (eVo & Single Allies):None
Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..):Talented at spar/parkour/aikido.
About Yourself:Well... I go for jogs at Monday. Wednesday. and Friday. at 7:00 AM, I like skating/playing hockey alot. I have my own house i just got it like 2 months ago i believe and i'm doing good with the food and other things. I'm pretty honest and nice until someone offends me, I also have dry skin on my neck, just a little bit though when i sweat it gets really itchy some times. On weekends i just either go around and do something outside, or i just stay on the computer the whole day.
Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]:Well, i would like to learn things off you guys,I don't just wanna join because some people this Evolution is cool, I like the way you guys talk to echother, How well ''connected'' you guys are, In other words you guys seem to act like a family which I like.
What Do You Wish To Accomplish Here/Future Plans If You Are Accepted Into [eVo]:Well like i said i have no special talents, I don't really have plans in the future if i get in to this clan,but if i see you guys need help for Events/Tc/ I'll try my best to help out.