if you are against fist in finals then make sure you screen every point because that guy will rage quit alot and make you lose points if you don't have proof with points like he did to me
if you are against fist in finals then make sure you screen every point because that guy will rage quit alot and make you lose points if you don't have proof with points like he did to me
For that match, I am going to make deprav watch so if he violates too much, he'll be dq'd.
There is no way I will be doing this alone with fistoflife in a room.
Free fall: i really like this replay, i think it just appeals to me personally, there's a lot of stuff in it that i like and i can't say no to this.
Chip off the old block: nice opener. you know how to move around and it looks good, but it's not the focus of the replay
the focus of the replay is the first few hits holy shit. the elbow-abs-wrist combo was fantastic.
after the decap you get into a weird position at 190, but you are smart enough not to kick off the ground since that would completely not work, as your lumbar region is really distorted (it's bending to the left iirc) and you would end up with a wonky push off the ground while your tori looked like a pretzel. you decide to do a slow transition, which makes the weird lumbar position a lot less noticeable. i know people would criticize this decision because what you do afterwards is "slow", but i have no problem with slow as long as it looks good. generally being fast is move effective, as in it gets you from point A to point B faster and it allows for more powerful hits, but everything you did would have not been different had you been going fast.
i also like your decision to lift the piece again instead of kicking right away, it gives you more space and time to set up for the hit. another good replay, so far so good.
One hit wonder: nice display of flipping around and quick switching of support limbs. total control during the opener, which is GOODO~
hits were nice, although not very creative. it doesn't bother me though, since the other two replays you posted already showed that you are more than capable of doing quirky hits and being creative with your dms, Free fall especially. also, i really like the transition to the pose, although i'm not sure i agree with the fast left knee extension. the pose was a bit stiff too, but those are minor complaints compared to the good stuff you did in all of the 3 replays.
the execution in this replay is pretty damn good, so this one is good enough for me aswell. yes from me, i'll wait a bit to see if anyone wishes to chime in
Static my man, welcome to ORMO.
You're next Mackie...mark my words.