Okay Point system is fully working just for reminders Kordiss has 2 points for winning a duel and sniper has 0.5 points for recruiting Secreas

I made something like hellopppp. Simple .... i made it in 2 mins

Oh well kordiss won over jake0151 but he didn't have any proof so sniper has 0.5 points... he can cash it in when ever he wants
The point system is a good idea. That will make us officiall. Also i wanted to ask how to become a higher "grade" in the member list.

I hope hanz0 will be back from his holidays next time. I want him to unban me...
Well. You have to be active. We decide who'll become Elite. There are no "requirements". You have to be active, and since youre banned on your main will be hard for ya, balanced.
i know.
i dont want to be a higher grade than others. lol. i just want to become furum admin. i will applicate for that when i am unbanned and my HoboJoy acc is 2nd dan
i mean the clan forum
Heyy i just saw that one minute ago:

The Council is currently discussing whether or not to make the following clans official:



Dragon Slayers


Drunken Sailors Clan






Your clan isn't here... Are you sure that you sent 30k TC to habrewhamr??
Not really. He is back. He told that he will try to learn english better, and all.
MarQ, thx for thinking about us ;]