So once upon a time, I really enjoyed Dirt 2.
And need for speed shift.
WoW, however, still reigns strong in my heart as does CS:S.
Skyrim is a new favourite.
Modern warfare 3 can get fucked.
Skate 3 of course.
And the crash bandicoot series.
Along with mario kart, zelda: ocarina of time, goldeneye and starfox.
Not to mention super smash bros and pokemon stadium.
Actually there really isn't a best game I've played. They're all really fucking good. Like really good.
Like medieval. That was a boss game, but the sequel sucked.
I also loved pokemon yellow, best memories.
GTA san andreas comes close to the best, along with FF:10 which I spent 132 hours playing.
FF7 was also a very good game, but the end is anti I knew we were going to kill sephiroth all along.
Ok nah, I'm done. I could keep going but for now, they're the best games I have ever played.