Christmas Lottery
I find it great, you have to take into account where they will land and how fast they are traveling. All while you're hitting the down slopes to gain speed.
[eVo] [BaKeD]
So I tried Tribes: Ascend out and there's only two things that bug me:

1) When aiming with a slow-projectile weapon (i.e. the Thumper and that disc shooting thing) they shoot slightly below and to the right of the crosshair. For me anyway.
2) Generators take too long to repair. During one game I was repairing the generator and then got attacked. I killed the guy then started repairing the generator again. When it got to about half health, the guy had shown up again and attacked the generator again. This went on until there were 2 guys coming at the generator at a time, at which point I ragequit repairing the generator.

Also someone should make a thread. If there isn't one within 4 hours I'll make one myself.
All Halo series
Miscrits world of adventure
All Transformers series
Yesterday was a history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. - Master Oogway (Kungfu Panda)
So once upon a time, I really enjoyed Dirt 2.
And need for speed shift.

WoW, however, still reigns strong in my heart as does CS:S.

Skyrim is a new favourite.
Modern warfare 3 can get fucked.

Skate 3 of course.
And the crash bandicoot series.

Along with mario kart, zelda: ocarina of time, goldeneye and starfox.
Not to mention super smash bros and pokemon stadium.

Actually there really isn't a best game I've played. They're all really fucking good. Like really good.

Like medieval. That was a boss game, but the sequel sucked.
I also loved pokemon yellow, best memories.

GTA san andreas comes close to the best, along with FF:10 which I spent 132 hours playing.

FF7 was also a very good game, but the end is anti I knew we were going to kill sephiroth all along.

Ok nah, I'm done. I could keep going but for now, they're the best games I have ever played.
Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
Right, I've decided that my best game I've ever played is now Dwarf Fortress.

In no other game have I had the option of fighting a foe by biting each of his individual toes off, spitting them out and throwing them at them - ripping their eyeballs out in the process - and following up by breaking each of their limbs individually, ripping their arm off and breaking their nose with it, before finally bending over and tearing out their throat with my teeth.

Yep, Dwarf Fortress is great.

Imma go ahead and agree with this

Not only is the game unfathomably awesome, here is an example of an average thread at the bay 12 forums
oh yeah
Well, I think I will make my own list.
  • League of Legends. Just awesome game. I love it. Nice community and one of the best support teams I've ever seen
  • Little Big Planet. Awesome! Awesome! I didn't play much PS3, but this game is the best. Just pure awesomeness
  • Mass Effect first and second. Really nice RPG-shooters. I really want the third part
  • Star Wars: Knights of the old republic. The best RPG. I completed each part a few times.
Those are really nice games, which I will remember forever.