Hey its Modius here,anyways I'm posting here because I wanna join Clan because for one,A couple of your clan members
*cough*duelers*cough*.One of your members is asking me about joining more than others. I'm to bored and lazy to go threw and make a full app of everything about me ect so I'll just tell you the main stuff
I'm a texturist but my gimp broke down and corrupted and wont work even when i redownload.I am a duelest and out of all the duelest on tb i think my losings are the highest out of all of them(they were 23.2kk)
As for replays all I have are some spars with a clan member *one of the ones that want me to join* and one by my self.
I don't have any examples of my artwork because every time I try to work on my set my gimp closes and wont open ect.
I have over 700 posts,I had 3000 before the setback because I was a constant poster,but anyways I'm very forum active as well as in-game active
My personal hobbies are playing this game,going outside,messing with my older sister and I play football
If you would like to see my replays then edit my post asking for my replays
Last edited by Tay; Oct 12, 2011 at 01:46 AM.