View Poll Results: If Jooker leaves what do we do?
Zen becomes leader and we revive FC
8 Votes / 33.33%
We declare the clan dead and we all leave
16 Votes / 66.67%
Voters: 24. You may not vote on this poll
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No hard feelings from the Obey vs Fight Club War.

Wars will be wars. People are going to get competitive, thats just how it is.

Lets all just calm down next time and let the best man win, and always play to win.
Ok chesh I had no problems.
We have lost rank 10 and we out of top 10 come on guys let's get working and make it to rank 1.
Let's war
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
Guys we need to win more clan wars and be more active on forums... YOU WANT TO BE NUMBER 1 HUH? Let's work to get this or to get in top 5. Also Jooker any answer about us becoming official?>
yea I want everyone in the clan to post adleast 1 every week on the clan discussion please inform those on game.
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.