Guys check the skype chat regarding Clan league times.

We haven't actually got much time to organize a fight unfortunately so we have to rush our forces together.

I suggested possibly getting this done on Sunday around 9pm GMT 0 (or +1 I think.)
This may be short notice though so we could do it around evening hours on Monday or Tuesday.

Wish we had a bit more time, only 5 days to organise the fight kinda sucks.


Would appreciate replies from Kozmonaut, Blade, Tantoehard, EddyLee, Nulu, SOON.

On either skype or here. Thanks guys please reply soon :0
Yeah time was short, but we got this.

We have members online today, doing various mods.

So if you're from Elite and are playing matches, hop online and post in the Obey thread. I'll try and help to get people playing.

Lets try and get as much done today as possible.

Posting this on the Obey thread, and Elite thread.
Current score is 2-4

GGs all around let's keep it going guys

Waiting for...

Tantoehard judofrac (1)
Nulu ErthTK (2)
Blade abd(2) **
Snook lenshu (1)

Bonus mod (will see when it comes to it)

** = may change.
I'm home, will try to get a hang of what I'm playing for us today, will be available tomorrow until the deadline
PM me with any and all questions
Currently 5-5

Nulu beat hattersin and cowmeat in erthtk, and then beat Grim once in abd, grim got lucky in the second abd match
you're on thin ice, pal
Played erthtk and abd, went 3-1....again. Only loss was a dq on the last frame on a bs leg grab :c (yes a 2nd time the literal last frame loss)


Nulu v Cowmeat
Nulu v hattersin


Nulu v Grim
Nulu v Grim

5-5 In total now.
Last edited by Demi; Aug 29, 2016 at 11:15 PM.
Knock down da walls wiv big rocks and kill all the men wiv arras. - Lamby