My current favorite class (apart from my quickscoping one) is a setup of vector red dot/spas12 fmj (subject of change) with marathon, stopping power pro and steady aim + stun/throwing knife. I'm thinking of getting scavenger instead of marathon though, but I like the freedom of being able to run around.
Also, danger close classes are fun to play with.
But yeah, I prefer the m16 over the famas. Mainly because the famas looks crappy. D:
I have this game and I was wondering why it takes me about an hour of waiting so that I can play,it puts fetching playlists and an hours goes without a damn change.PLEASE HELP ^^
i noticed that fmj doesnt work on the spas, or atleast with no noticeable change.
also my 2 best classes are one for mid and one for close range respectively:
M16 bling pro with holo sight and silencer
bling pro USP's with akimbo and FMj
bling pro
stopping power
ninja pro
bling pro UMP with fmj and red dot
bling pro spas with grip and red dot
bling pro
stopping power
steady aim pro
also my callsign is:
''Cloak and Dagger''
and a skull