View Poll Results: If Jooker leaves what do we do?
Zen becomes leader and we revive FC
8 Votes / 33.33%
We declare the clan dead and we all leave
16 Votes / 66.67%
Voters: 24. You may not vote on this poll
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Zen lost vis duels to me =3 such pro much wow
Super Moderator, Event Squad, Market Squad. If you have any questions shoot me a PM!
Originally Posted by Djvenom173 View Post
Alright i've rejoined. let's save fc again

Originally Posted by Djvenom173 View Post
If I do save this clan Everyone should fucking bow to me after what i have done. 3rd time I have to save fc. Azze was a bad leader anyway, he never listened to anyone, he was hypocritical and always blamed his faults on others (calling me rage -> kicking me -> raging at obey -> blame it on me even half a month after i was kicked -> fall down -> say he will call the clan dead -> reluctantly handing the leadership to viraly0 -> leave clan -> Clanless. "the life of azze, Amen.")

Dj calm down and watch your language Also don't get too cocky cuz it's kinda your fault(Either partly on some times or fully on others) that FC started dying in the first place :3 :/ When you kinda ruined the reputation of FC(I have a fault in that too and so does Azze but Azze's was after it was already ruined which is what provoked the mocking Obey did which is what provoked Azze & Me, for the record he went first.). Either way we won't bow to you for saving FC for something that's your kinda fault(Like I said partly or fully). I'm happy your back and welcome you here but you still have a lot of making up to do. If you help us save FC we might be able to call it even. And no you won't "Be legendary for saving FC" as you said XD It might clear your rep though. I've been working on mine too If I sound harsh i'm just trying to be honest and help you. Honesty is what helped me to change.
Last edited by Merc; Oct 3, 2014 at 10:24 AM.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
When you fucking lie this isnt good.
When you fucking lie this isnt again good.
Last edited by azzeffir23; Oct 3, 2014 at 02:25 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
No it's entire your fault because of your problems all the good members left and not only, you ruined fc rep. After you get banned people have left because of the bad rep. So how is this my fault? Is your entire fault.
bad leader

How i was a bad leader i dont understand could you explain? Next, you just rejoined fc and you already think you are a leader and etc.. Want to see how long it will take for a ban again, and stop here.
Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
When you fucking lie this isnt good.
When you fucking lie this isnt again good.

Are you saying you didn't get mad at Obey first and didn't go on a 1 week rampage against XB1 and MicroSoft which involved a lot of CAPS, flaming, raging, and changing descs even in Clan War servers to "FUCK XB1!!!!!!!" in Red letters?
I agree with Azze on the fact that your acting like a Leader and telling us to bow down to you -_- As for whose fault it is it is Azze's, Mine & Yours Dj + Everyone who quit on FC. We won't do stuff because you came back to FC Dj. You should be thanking us. Prove to me that your not changing back right now or i'm kicking you. Viraly won't have a problem with that because despite what you said he's not your bitch and he doesn't love you. I want to be your friend but you can't be an ass. And you have no grounds to tell a admin to forbid Azze from posting here as your not in any way a Leader. We are waiting for Viraly to get on to make you WM so that you can war. And your not even on the inviting council and certainly not the head of it. We don't just invite people because you tell us to. You can say if you like someone and support them with a yes on the recruitment thread(They must apply that's another thing) and it'll boost their chances of getting in. If you don't like everything i'm saying your welcomed to leave. You say you've changed but after a day you seem to be the same. You were nice for a whole 5 mins or less. Now both of you stop arguing.
Last edited by Merc; Oct 3, 2014 at 08:02 PM.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
What week? I raged ONLY 1 day in 6 months in this clan. And i was tired and bored (remember me about someone) So i dont understand why u lie about a week. I dont say i didnt rage with caps and etc but for 1 NIGHT BTW not 1 day. Lie lies lies and again lies. ALSO it wasnt in a war with Obey, i never raged with obey, it was in a war with blast and etc so another lie. pfff
Last edited by azzeffir23; Oct 3, 2014 at 07:44 PM.
I'm pretty sure it was 3 days or at least 2. Perhaps u were awake for 24 Hours and I slept then woke up and then you raged again and I assumed 2 days. I didn't mean to Lie lol And since you were tired and bored I understand what that does to people. It is a mixture that results in dumb stuff happening which seems fun/funny at the time but then is later regretted.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Little hint.. delete the posts and talk with pm's or in IRC..
And stop searching reasons.. try to make it better in the future. Thats the only way.
I'm seriously considering having Admins wipe this Thread or just making a new one -_-
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |